Olá, sou Érica Cruz

Engenheira | Professora | Empreendedora  

Compartilho o que aprendo, os desafios que enfrento e as soluções que descobri. Espero que eu possa te inspirar, ensinar e ajudar nos desafios do dia a dia. 

Minhas Principais

Habilidades & Competências

Ao longo da minha trajetória desenvolvi e sigo me desenvolvendo em habilidades e competências que me auxiliam na rotina do dia a dia para obtenção de melhores resultados com Segurança, Qualidade e Produtividade, aumentando assim a performance e eficiência operacional dos ativos industriais.

Gerenciamento de Pessoas
0 %
Gestão e Governança de Ativos
0 %
Gerenciamento de Projetos
0 %
Resolução de Problemas
0 %
Comunicação Assertiva
0 %
Inteligência Emocional
0 %


Graphic Design

I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.



I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.


3D & Motion Design

I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.

Project Completed
1 k
Happy Clients
0 +
Hours Spent
0 k


My Projects

Delightful remarkably mr on announcing themselves entreaties favourable.

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My Experience

Delightful remarkably mr on announcing themselves entreaties favourable.About to in so terms voice at.

Partner Companies

Delightful remarkably mr on announcing themselves entreaties favourable. About to in so terms voice at. Equal an would is found seems of. The particular friendship one sufficient terminated frequently themselves.

"Estou na procura da verdadeira sabedoria que não reside em complicar o que é simples, mas sim em simplificar o complexo.'' Samer Agi

© 2024 Performance Corporativa Engenharia e Serviços


(824) 587-2675

9885 Beechwood Drive Jeffersonville

New York, NY





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